Ning (Jackie) Zhang, PhD, MD, MPH
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor
Department of Interprofessional Health Sciences and Health Administration
I have served as a faculty member at Seton Hall University since 2014, teaching research methodology, health informatics and financial management courses to doctoral and master’s degree students in the Department of Interprofessional Health Sciences and Health Administration. In addition, I am an associate Professor for Seton Hall-Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine. I also provide doctoral students with mentoring for their dissertations.
As a health services and policy researcher, my research focuses on health policy, pharmaceutical outcome research, nurse staffing, clinical outcomes, quality of care, long term care, disease management, emergency medical services, clinical trial, health informatics and big data analytics. I have been PI and Co-PI on a number of federal (NIH), state and local government, foundation and industrial research grants. I am currently a fellow of the Gerontological Society of America, an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management and an NIH and CDC grant panel reviewer.
- Ph.D., Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University
- M.D., Shandong University
- M.P.H., Shandong University
“Impact of Health Literacy on Medication Adherence: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”
Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2014, 48(6): 741-751, February 2014
“Health Information Technology Adoption in U.S. Acute Care Hospitals”
Journal of Medical Systems 2013, 37(2): 9907-9916, March 2013
“Evaluation of Disease Management on Outcomes and Cost of Care for Medicaid Patients”
Health Policy 2008, 86(2/3): 345-354, November 2009
“Has the Medicare Prospective Payment System Led to Increased Nursing Home Efficiency?”
Health Services Research 2008, 43(3): 1043-1061, August 2009
“Reliability Estimates of Clinical Measures of Minimum Data Set and Online Survey Certification and Reporting Data of US Nursing Homes”
Medical Care 2009, 47(4): 492-495, April 2009
National Institute of Health R03 grant $126,000 (PI)
National Institute of Health R01 grant $895,000 (Co-PI)
Florida Department of Elder Affairs grant (PI)
Merck Foundation grant (PI)
Florida Health Equity Research Institute grant (Co-PI)
Harford Foundation grant (Co-PI)
Colonial Medical Center grant (PI)
Pinellas County EMS grant (PI)
Associate Editor of International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management Fellow of Gerontological Society of America Fellow of Grant Makers in Aging NIH and CDC grant review panelist Award for Excellence, Merck Foundation