Office of Faculty Team
Florian P. Thomas, MD, MA, PhD, MS
Associate Dean
(551) 996-1234
- Provides leadership and strategic direction for the Office of Faculty Advancement
- Responsible for supporting faculty education, retention, and the appointments and promotions process
- Academic Department Chair, Neurology Department
- Appointments and Promotions Committee Chair
Marina Kaplan-Iosim, EdD, MA, CPC
Assistant Dean
(862) 660-5094
- Provides strategy, plans, direction, and guidance for programming, policy, and procedural development that supports faculty advancement
- Oversees day-to-day operations and programs of the Office of Faculty Advancement
- Title IX Advisor for HMSOM
Margot Okula
(862) 660-5005
- Assists in onboarding, background checks, and stipends for the HMSOM faculty
- Serves as liaison to Faculty Assembly Chair
- Assists and advises faculty of any issues that arise within the Office of Faculty Advancement
Eva-Maria Harthaus
Technical Support Manager
(862) 660-5105
- Assists faculty in navigating through the annual evaluation process, as well as the appointment application, reappointment, and promotion processes which use the Interfolio platform
- Provides support to the Associate/Assistant Dean and/or Director Office of Faculty Advancement, specifically with the Appointments and Promotions Committee (APC) and Academic Department Chairs
Asiah Jordan
Administrative Coordinator
(862) 660-5063
- Assists in Interfolio database management and data analysis
- Serves as a liaison between faculty and administrative academic departments
- Title IX Advisor
Laurie G. Jacobs, M.D., A.G.S.F., F.A.C.P.
Associate Dean, Faculty Development
- Faculty Awards & Recognition
- Faculty Mentoring and Coaching Programs
- HMSOM executive and Faculty Development Leadership
Michael Giuliano, M.D., M.ed., M.H.P.E., M.A.
Associate Dean, Faculty, Resident, & Student Development
- Oversees and facilitates all faculty development programs for the HMSOM (UGME, GME, CME levels)
- Leads FRAMED and RATTLED programs
- Faculty recruitment and outreach
- HMSOM Executive leadership and interdepartmental collaboration
Joseph Martinelli, M.H.A., M.A.
Manager, Faculty Development
- Manages and facilitates faculty development programs for the HMSOM
- Small Group Faculty Development Faculty Development
- Program Outcomes and Measures
George Noll, Ed.D., M.S.
Faculty Development Trainer
- Longitudinal Clinical Placement (LCP) Program
- Phase 3 Elective Courses
- Organize and facilitate faculty development workshops
Meta Wongkar-Gut, M.D., D.B.A.
Faculty Development Trainer
- Perform one-on-one peer observation (LGAL & Small Group Courses)
- Organize and facilitate faculty development workshops
- Facilitate FRAMED, RATTLED, and small group workshops
Donna Wexler
Department Coordinator, Faculty Development
- Support to Associate Dean and Faculty Development Team
- Support to Academic Chairs and Vice Chairs
- Coordinates CME courses and seminars
- Coordinates Faculty Mentoring and Coaching Programs
- Coordinates Faculty Awards and Recognition Program