

SOM Interior

Located on the first floor of the IHS campus, the IHS Library is home to a small print reference collection of health sciences resources and books, and includes tables and study carrels, a quiet study room, twenty individual and group study rooms, a conference room for library instruction, and computers for database searches.

The library is staffed by a team of 4 dedicated Health Sciences Librarians Monday-Friday from 8am – 6pm. Librarians are available to assist students with research and to further class study. The librarians for the SOM are embedded throughout the curriculum to assist in the teaching of information management, mastery, and evidence-based medicine.

The library’s electronic collection is robust and has been designed to facilitate student learning and success. The IHS library provides access to over 2.1 million ebooks, 1 million journal titles, and 480 unique databases.

Access to databases, journals, electronic books and interlibrary loan is available online twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Access to the library’s digital collection, information on how to book study rooms, contact information for the library staff, and much more can be found at the library’s website:

For general inquiries, contact

For IHS Library FAQs, including questions about remote access, visit here

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