Dean's Message   

Message From the Dean

Dean Jeffrey BoscampWe are frequently asked: “Why did you start a new school of medicine?” We always make it clear that our aspirations far exceed producing more physicians. Founding a new school of medicine is a rare opportunity to create transformative change…one that starts with a tabula rasa, a blank slate, and builds from there to accomplish true paradigm shifts.

Our school is founded on the cornerstones of improving value in healthcare, of correcting health inequities and teaching in a new way that creates critical thinkers, lifelong learners and change agents for community advocacy with an innate understanding of the importance of the social determinants of health.

We teach our students how to learn and they then learn how to teach in this new way. And we always teach it in the context of community.

We are driven by our vision: that persons in New Jersey and the USA, regardless of race or socioeconomic status will enjoy the highest level of wellness in an economically and behaviorally sustainable fashion.

We will nurture and develop the empathy and compassion that our students enter with.

Our curriculum makes no distinction between basic science and clinical knowledge; basic science content is always presented in the clinical context where students can always see the medical relevance. We do this in a brand new facility designed specifically to teach our curricular emphasis on small group team based learning and flipped classrooms. We are focused on improving the transition between medical school and residency. We have an accelerated program that allows students to graduate after three years and transition seamlessly into residency. They may also elect to stay for an enriching and exciting 4th year that allows students to develop an individualized learning plan that develops their intellectual and educational passions and prepares them fully for the transition to residency.

Our students are creative, caring, empathetic, intellectually curious and dedicated to changing the way we view health and deliver healthcare.

Thank you for your interest in our new and innovative school of medicine. We invite you to learn more about how the Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine is changing the physicians of tomorrow.


Jeffrey R. Boscamp, MD
President and Dean
Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine
123 Metro Blvd, Suite 4114, Nutley, NJ, 07110
T: 551-996-5151

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