The Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine (SOM) has a 3+1 curriculum, with a three-year core curriculum and an Individualization Phase (Phase 3) during the fourth year.
Phase 1 (Fundamentals) spans the first 16 months of the curriculum and includes classroom, clinical, and community-based experiences, with the focus being to gain the foundational knowledge and skills from the Biomedical, Behavioral, Social, and Health System Sciences that you will then use and apply throughout all Phases of the curriculum.
Phase 2 (Immersion) spans the following 20 months, and includes clerkships, sub-internship, electives, selective, and the United States Licensing Medical Examination (USMLE) Step 1 and Step 2.
Central to the curriculum will be a three-year longitudinal course called the Human Dimension (HD). Through immersive experiences with the same individual and/or family, students will come to understand the role of community and context in health and wellbeing, the interaction of community and the health care system, and the role of the physician and other professionals in all elements that contribute to promoting health and preventing disease. Phase 3 (Individualization) is a customized phase that starts after the three-year core curriculum. During this phase, students select a personalized pathway possibly including dual degree, clinical immersion, research-intensive, community-based project, and entry into residency.