Phase 3 Individualization
Phase 3 is a customized period that starts after the three-year core curriculum. During this phase, students select a personalized pathway possibly including a dual degree or certificate program, clinical immersion, research-intensive activities, a community-based project, or entry into residency. Overall goals for Phase 3 are general, as it is by design an individualized program, with the objectives unique to each student. The intention of Phase 3 is to maximize the student’s capacity to personalize his/her ability to carry out the mission and goals of the SOM at the individual level. With an emphasis on students’ own professional and developmental needs and goals, Phase 3 offers a unique opportunity for personal growth.
Individualized Learning Plans (ILP)
The Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) is designed to tailor each medical student’s scholastic experiences to best meet his or her unique educational and professional goals. The focus of the ILP process is to reflect on the educational aspirations, needs, and experiences of each student – and to best maximize their opportunity for success.