Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Clubs and Organizations| Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine   

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Clubs and Organizations| Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine

Student National Medical AssociationStudent National Medical Association (SNMA)

The Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine chapter of the Student National Medical Association is committed to developing well-rounded, culturally competent physicians of tomorrow. We focus on providing support for underrepresented minority medical students, and we’re committed to giving all students access to educational resources on – and opportunity for outreach within – underserved communities. Our chapter enjoys the full support of HMSOM, whose core mission includes learning and service through engagement of underrepresented populations among students, faculty, staff, and community. We are committed to removing all barriers to success for minorities in medicine, and we welcome all those who aspire to be positive influences of change within underserved populations.

For more information please contact: aamirah.mccutchen@hmhn.org

Latino Medical Student AssociationLatino Medical Student Association (LMSA)

The Mission of LMSA at Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine is to improve the health and mental well-being of the Latino population and the rest of the diverse community in New Jersey through the education of future clinicians.

LMSA at Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine will be a major contributor to the advancement of Latino and minority health in the surrounding community.

Latino Medical Student Association, or LMSA, at Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine is a chapter founded in 2018 by Raquel Otero Cancho, Erick Larios Bautista, and Nicolas Balbi Caruso. This group aims to develop a cohort of future clinicians that are culturally aware of the Latino community and the health disparities that are associated with this population. The Mission of this LMSA chapter purposefully includes the rest of the diverse community in New Jersey, as many of the health disparities that plague the Latino population also affect other minority populations. A major component of this chapter is the student-run medical Spanish program, facilitated by Dr. Paula Cupertino, Dr. Francisco Cartujano, and Diana Bermudez. Monthly meetings take place with the objective of teaching medical Spanish to students of all schools here at the Interprofessional Health Sciences campus. Community outreach events are another critical component to this group. With connections in surrounding towns like Passaic and Paterson, there are plenty of opportunities to practice skills gained from the medical Spanish curriculum, and most importantly, act on the problems that are affecting our neighbors.

For more information please contact: lmsa.hmsom@gmail.com

LGBT+ and Allies in HealthcareLGBT+ and Allies in Healthcare

LGBT+ and Allies in Healthcare works increase awareness of and interest in LGBT+ healthcare needs, organize service projects, and provide support to LGBT+ students throughout the Interprofessional Health Science campus. Additionally, the group contributes to student education and facilitates interactions between medical students and physicians who identify as LGBT+ or work with the LGBT+ population.

For more information please contact: lgbtandalliesinmedicine@studentshu.onmicrosoft.com

American Medical Women’s AssociationAmerican Medical Women’s Association (AMWA)

The Hackensack Meridian SOM branch of AMWA is dedicated to upholding the mission presented by the national organization in advancing women in medicine and healthcare. We aim to promote advancement of women’s leadership roles in medicine and support members’ professional and personal development, to create a forum addressing challenges facing women physicians in the medical field today, and to develop mentoring and strategic alliances with women physicians as well as high school girls in the surrounding communities interested in medicine.

For more information please contact: hope.schneider@hmhn.org

Asian Pacific American Medical Students Association (APAMSA)

The Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA) is a national organization of medical and pre-medical students committed to addressing the unique health challenges of Asian and Pacific Islander American (APIA) communities. APAMSA serves as a forum for student leaders to engage these health issues and develop initiatives and projects addressing those needs. APAMSA provides an important venue for medical students to meet, exchange experiences, and develop personally and professionally through leadership and service.

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