Student Committees   

Student Committees

There are many opportunities for students to contribute to and be involved in the shaping of the school and the student experience. There are established School of Medicine Standing Committees, Student Curriculum Advisory Groups, the Student Government Association, the Wellness Committee, and many student interest groups and organizations. Each opportunity is listed below, more information can be found in the Student Guide. Elections occur in the early fall of each year, unless otherwise noted.

School of Medicine Standing Committees with Student Members

Description: The DEC is responsible for developing, promoting, and implementing policies, procedures, and programs that support the stated goals of the SOM related to diversity and equity in health care and health care education.

Student Membership: Three student members elected by their peers to represent their respective cohort.

Faculty Committee Advisor: David Kountz, MD

Description: The Medical Education Committee (“MEC”) is responsible for making recommendations to the Dean regarding the design, implementation, management, assessment, and enhancement of the medical school curriculum. The MEC is responsible for the review of all its subcommittee reports and recommendations and votes on final decisions regarding all elements of the curriculum.

Student Membership: Three voting student members are elected by peers representing the second, third, and fourth academic years; one non-voting student member represents the first year.

Faculty Committee Advisor: Miriam Hoffman, MD

Description: The Phase 1 Curriculum Subcommittee of the MEC (“Phase 1 Subcommittee”) is responsible for making recommendations to the MEC regarding the development, review, and enhancement of objectives, content, student workload, student performance, evaluations, and integration related to the Phase 1 curriculum.

Student Membership: Three voting student members are elected by peers representing the second, third, and fourth academic years; one non-voting student member represents the first year.

Faculty Committee Advisor: Jennifer Zepf, DO

Description: The Phase 2 Curriculum Subcommittee of the MEC (“Phase 2 Subcommittee”) is responsible for making recommendations to the MEC regarding the development, review, and enhancement of objectives, content, student workload, student performance, evaluations, and integration related to the Phase 2 curriculum.

Student Membership: Three voting student members are elected by peers representing the second, third, and fourth academic years; and one non-voting student member represents the first year.

Faculty Committee Advisor: Ryan Moore, MD

Description: The Phase 3 Curriculum Subcommittee of the MEC (“Phase 3 Subcommittee”) is responsible for making recommendations to the MEC regarding the development, review, and enhancement of objectives, content, student workload, student performance, evaluations, and integration related to the Phase 3 curriculum.

Student Membership: Three voting student members are elected by peers representing the second, third, and fourth academic years; one non-voting student member represents the first year.

Faculty Committee Advisor: Stanley Terlecky, Ph.D.

Description: The Admissions Committee is responsible for establishing and reviewing admission requirements for the SOM and for reviewing, interviewing, and selecting applicants for admission to the SOM.

Student Membership: After the inaugural class, two students elected by the Student Government Association representing the first and second academic years.

Faculty Committee Advisor: Greg Simonian, MD

Description: The Unit Representatives at Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine will provide ongoing feedback to the Office of Medical Education on matters related to the curriculum. The agenda for the Unit Group Meetings will be created and driven entirely by students.

Student Membership: Three student members elected by their peers representing the first academic year, for each of 3 curricular units (first 3 courses, next two and final two courses)

Faculty Committee Advisor: Miriam Hoffman, MD

Description: The SGA is responsible for overseeing student activities. The SGA is considered the “umbrella” organization for student activities and organizations, to which the Dean’s Office turns for student input on the learning environment, and educational issues and concerns that arise throughout the year.

Student Membership: Nine representatives are chosen from each entering cohort elected by peers each year. The President and Vice-President representatives remain in office throughout matriculation.

Faculty Committee Advisor: Staci White, MPA, CLC

Description: The Wellness Committee is comprised of students and faculty interested in promoting healthy behaviors, managing stress and preventing burnout. The committee coordinates workshops and wellness activities on a variety of topics will be offered, including Practicing Mindfulness, Yoga, Massage, Team Building, Sleep Hygiene, Nutrition, and Integrating Feedback and Evaluation.

Student Membership: Any interested student may choose to join the committee, student members will elect leadership (President/VP/Sec/Treas) each year.

Faculty Committee Advisor: Lisa Marie Bronson

Description: The HD-SAC consists of 4 students that will provide ongoing feedback and suggestions to the HD Curriculum Development Team for the duration of Phase 1 and 2

Student Membership: Members are elected by their peers in the first year and remain through Phase 2

Faculty Committee Advisor: Carmela Rocchetti, MD

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