Medical Education Week   

Medical Education Week

Med Ed Week 2025

The 3rd Annual HMSOM Medical Education Week is being held May 12 - 16!

The week will include many in-person and virtual opportunities for us to showcase the incredible medical education scholarship, research, and innovation taking place at the SOM. It is an opportunity for you to connect with colleagues, share your work, find collaborators, and learn from each other.

Please email with any questions you may have about this event.

Call for Proposals!

Tuesday, May 13th is Medical Education Scholarship Day!
This includes: in-person workshops, a poster session and reception, and awards for the best abstracts in various categories. We will also have an excellent plenary session focused on important medical education topics - stay tuned for the speaker announcement!

Topics for workshops and abstracts/posters can be wide ranging, and can focus on any aspect of medical education scholarship, research, and innovation.
This includes work you may be doing in teaching and education of medical students, residents, and faculty, educational research projects, faculty development initiatives, assessment projects, and more. Medical education topics from across the spectrum – pre-medical, UME, GME, CME, and beyond – are encouraged and invited.

We encourage students, faculty, residents, and staff to submit proposals for:

  • Posters and Oral presentations - Medical Education Research
  • Posters and Oral presentations - Medical Education Innovation
  • Workshops on any Medical Education topic

Please click here to complete the submission form

The deadline to submit your proposal(s) is March 10, 2025. The review committee will let you know if your application is accepted by April 8th.

View Past Med Ed Weeks

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