Dr. Michael LaFountaine   

Michael LaFountaine, Ed.D., ATC

Associate Professor
Department of Physical Therapy

I joined the Department of Physical Therapy faculty at Seton Hall University in the Fall of 2011 and provide instruction on courses that encompass physiology and pharmacology. In addition to my role in the Department of Physical Therapy, I am also associated with Seton Hall-Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine. As my formal education becomes an increasingly distant memory, I feel a greater sense of awe and wonderment of the privilege and promise that higher education has brought to my life. I garnered opportunities through intense planning, hard work, luck and being receptive to the wisdom imparted by my many professors and mentors. I learned early, that as an academician, it is imperative that the fundamentals of curiosity and objectivity are co-developed. This mindset is necessary for the pursuit of knowledge as a student of life. Finding joy and satisfaction through the tedium of a rigorous academic or training curriculum, though tricky, enhanced my sense of achievement upon completion and assisted me with obtaining self-actualization in personal and professional life. Being able to share my experiences and help students attain the same level of satisfaction with their academic pursuits and professional interests have fueled my desire to become a professor and mentor.

To best explain my research interests and focus, I offer that I am an autonomic physiologist who is interested in understanding how traumatic neurological injuries affect endocrine function in the cardiovascular system. I am actively involved in research projects to explain the secondary medical consequences of spinal cord injury and identify targeted rehabilitation or pharmaceutical therapy to offset these deleterious changes. Although my primary research cohort is that of individuals with spinal cord injury, I’ve been intrigued by and continue to investigate the pathophysiology of concussion(s) among athletes who sustained an injury as a result of sport. I also have an interest in the use of research investigation(s) as an education tool in developing skills that are relevant to clinical practice.

Click here for Michael LaFountaine’s Bibliography


  • Ed.D., Columbia University, 2008
  • M.Ed., Columbia University, 2005
  • M.A., Columbia University, 2003
  • B.S., Alfred University, 2001


La Fountaine MF, Cirnigliaro CM, Emmons RR, Kirshblum SC, Galea M, Spungen AM, Bauman WA. Lipoprotein Heterogeneity in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury: A Model of Prolonged Sitting and Restricted Physical Activity. Lipids in Health and Disease, Jul 2015. 14(1): 81.

La Fountaine MF, Toda M, Testa A, Bauman WA. Cardioautonomic Instability following a Sport-related Concussion in a 20 year-old Male. International Journal of Cardiology, Apr 2014 172(3): e511-e512.

La Fountaine MF, Wecht JM, Cirnigliaro CM, Kirshblum S, Bauman WA. Physiological Testosterone Replacement Therapy Improves QTaVI in Hypogonadal Men with Spinal Cord Injury. Neuroendocrinology, Jun 2013. 97(4): 341-346.

La Fountaine MF, Rosado Rivera D, Radulovic M, Bauman WA. The Hemodynamic Actions of Insulin are blunted in the Sub-lesion Microvasculature of Persons with Spinal Cord Injury. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Feb 2013 92(2):127-135.

La Fountaine MF, De Meersman RE, Gossett JD, Bauman WA. Increased QT-Interval Variability in 3 Recently Concussed Athletes. Journal of Athletic Training, May-Jun 2011. 46(3): 230-233.



Center of Excellence for the Medical Consequences of Spinal Cord Injury; VA RR&D, Center Grant; #B9212-C; Bauman (PI); 7/01/2011 – 6/30/2016; Role: Co-Investigator

Insulin Resistance and Microvascular Blood Flow in Spinal Cord Injury; VA RR&D, RR&D Small Projects in Rehabilitation Research (SPiRE); #B1392-P; Bauman (PI); 7/01/2014 – 6/30/2016; Role: Co- Principal Investigator

Prevention of Bone Loss in Patients with Acute Spinal Cord Injury; Craig H. Neilsen Foundation, Senior Research Grants; #297267; Bauman (PI); 7/01/2014 – 6/30/2017; Role: Co-Investigator

An Open-Label Safety and Efficacy Trial of Fenofibrate in Persons with SCI; VA RR&D, RR&D Small Projects in Rehabilitation Research (SPiRE); #C1164-R; La Fountaine (PI) ; 6/01/2015 – 05/30/2017; Role: Principal Investigator


2013 New Investigator Award, American College of Sports Medicine

Michael LaFountaine, Ed.D., ATC

Interprofessional Health Sciences Campus
Room 436

Call: 973-275-2918


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